Roses Study Day 2013
Jim Marshall and Sarah Cook ran a very enjoyable and informative study day on Roses today (27th November 2013). After a short introduction from Sarah, Jim talked about ‘Growing Healthy Roses’ covering; soils, mulching, nutrition, stimulants, pruning, pests, diseases and rose replant. Get these right and get the best from your roses!
Sarah followed with an in-depth descussion on ‘Pruning Roses’ including; the aim and general principles of pruning roses, timing and the different methods of pruning for the different groups of roses.
Outside we were split into four separate groups studying different pruning techniques on a variety of roses in a variety of different situations. Who would have imagined, ramblers up washing line poles or shrub roses trained in to a fence?
After a tasty lunch, Jim and Sarah talked about their favourite roses acompanied by a wonderful selection of photos.
Filled with inspiration, lots of new techniques and beautiful roses to ponder over, I came away with the phrases ‘good care is the key to a healthy rose’, ‘know your rose’, ‘be adventurous’ and ‘there is more than one way to prune any rose’ ringing in my ears. My roses will be sure to reward me next year!
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