The Free Plant Spring 2024
Geranium sanguineum ‘Rod Leeds’ is the free plant for the Spring 2024 plant fair.
This little known geranium was discovered in the garden of Rod Leeds in Suffolk by Elizabeth Strangman and Graham Gough during a visit in 1986. The geranium was a self sown seedling. By 1996 it was in the Washfield catalogue. It was given the following description:
‘Geranium ‘Rod Leeds’ is an excellent plant of rather upright habit. Magenta pink flowers over a particularly long season.’
Propagate by cuttings from new growth in early spring.
Suffolk Plant Heritage gives away a free plant, bulb or seeds at our plant fairs as part of its active conservation work. Anyone in Suffolk can grow little known but worthwhile garden plants and help secure their survival for the future. Wide distribution of a plant is the best form of conservation.Suffolk Plant Heritage runs plant propagation workshops and sells unusual plants at various events.