27th January 2024: 2.30pm,
Wetherden Village Hall, Park Road, IP14 3JS
Talk: ‘Plants in art and culture – how plants created society.’ – Dr Mark Spencer
Dr Spencer is a forensic botanist frequently engaged by the police in cases where plants can provide clues to help solve crimes, from murder to arson and burglary..
24th February 2024: 2.30pm,
Wetherden Village Hall, Park Road, IP14 3JS
Talk: ‘Spring Jewels.’ – Guy Barker
Guy is a committed galanthophile who lives and works in Norfolk. He will be bringing along a selection of his spring jewels for you to buy.
23rd March 2024: 2.30pm,
Wetherden Village Hall, Park Road, IP14 3JS
Talk: ‘Perennials in season.’ – Rosy Hardy
Rosy founded Hardy’s Cottage Garden Plants in Hampshire in 1988. Since then, the RHS has awarded the garden Master Grower status. Many of the 1,200 plants grown are unusual and hard to find elsewhere. In addition to giving an enthralling talk Rosy will be bringing a selection of her plants for you to buy.
27th April 2024: 2.30pm,
Wetherden Village Hall, Park Road, IP14 3JS
Talk: Henstead Exotic Gardens – Andrew Brogan
Described as Suffolk’s Secret Jungle the gardens were created 12 years ago in two plant-packed acres. In addition to giving an interesting talk Andrew will be bringing a selection of exotic plants for you to buy.
Helmingham Hall
21st September 2024: 2.30pm,
Wetherden Village Hall, Park Road, IP14 3JS
Talk: ‘Gravel Gardening – low maintenance, drought tolerant plants.’ – Derry Watkins
There will be plants for sale. Entrance fee to be announced.
26th October 2024: 2.30pm,
Wetherden Village Hall, Park Road, IP14 3JS
Talk: ‘Drought Tolerant Plants.’ – Steve Edney
There will be plants for sale.
23rd November 2024: 2.30pm,
Wetherden Village Hall, Park Road, IP14 3JS
AGM & Talk: ‘Asian Woodland Plants.’ – Helen Chen
There will be plants for sale.
More details to follow…
25th Jan.
Luci Skinner – Irises and their place in our Gardens
22nd Feb.
Tony Kirkham – Trees, a Cut above the Rest
22nd Mar.
Jim Paine – Climate Change: the long-range gardener’s forecast
26th Apr.
Jane Steward – The Revival of the Medlar
25th & 26th May. Plant Fair:
Helmingham Hall
10 – 4pm (entrance charge)
14th Sept. Plant Fair:
Helmingham Hall
10 – 4pm (entrance charge)
27th Sept.
Andrew Ward – Astrantia and Chrysanthemum collections
25th Oct.
Philip Oostenbrink – My Plant Collections: Aspidistra, Sichuanensis & Boehmeria
22nd Nov.
Alison Marsden – Creating Garden Style & Impact.
Preceded by AGM
Everyone is welcome to our talks. Unless indicated otherwise, lectures are free to members, with £5 entrance fee for non-members. Online talks may need to be booked in advance – see individual talks for details.
Please note that our Saturday afternoon talks are now at Wetherden Village Hall, IP14 3JS.
More details and a map can be found at: https://yourhall.co.uk/hall/wetherden-village-hall/
Details of past programmes for 2017-2019 can be found on the Events page.