Anthony Pigott came to our propagation class and gave us a lesson in propagating ferns.
We had already collected some fern fronds, and began by tapping the frond with our fingers, over paper, to release the spores.
This may look like a sheet of clean paper, but its not – it holds many hundreds of tiny spores.
The underside of the frond showing spores ready for release.
On the top of each pot we cut a square of white paper that fitted just inside the rim of the pot. Each pot had boiling water poured over the paper, enough to soak the paper, and sterilise the top of the potting mix The pots were put immediately into zip lock bags and closed up.
We used a multipurpose compost with some added vermiculite. We used 9cm pots
We left the pots in the bags for about 10 mins to cool slightly. Then speedily opened the bags and held the paper with the spores on over to pot, tapping gently. The bag was labelled and closed up again.
We left the pots in the bags for about 10 mins to cool slightly. We then speedily opened the bags and held the paper with the spores on over to pot, tapping gently
The bag was labelled and closed up again.
Now we wait for the tiny gametophytes to appear!