Free Seeds for Autumn 2021
Tulipa sprengeri is the free plant (for 800 visitors) at Helmingham Plant Fair in September 2021.
Autumn 2021 we are giving away packets of seed from Tulipa sprengeri, a small scarlet tulip, that’s fast disappearing in its native habitat in Turkey. It’s one of the last tulips to flower and makes a wonderful sight in any garden. Best sown right away in a well marked spot in your garden or in a labelled pot as it appears like grass in its first spring and can easily be weeded by mistake. Try not to handle to seed too much. Tip it from the packet into where it is to grow. Leave it alone and each year the leaves will thicken and be more tulip-like. The bulb will gradually pull itself down to about 6” and should flower after a few years.
The seed we are giving is from this year’s flowers, all of which are grown in Suffolk. You will be taking part in a conservation project by growing the seed – “conservation by cultivation”.
Good luck!